The Troop 28-82 flag fundraiser involves Scouts selling an annual subscription to display American flags on specific holidays throughout the year. Scouts setup flags on your front lawns a couple days before the holiday and remove them a day or two after the holiday.
All Scouts are trained on how to handle and respect the flag and will ensure your flag is well maintained.
The cost of the subscription is $40 a year. The subscription starts on Memorial Day (May) and ends on Veteran’s Day (November) although customers can enroll at any time. All proceeds from the program go directly to the Scouts and the Troop, supporting camping activities, service programs and Eagle Scout projects.
If you’re in northwest Houston, and would like to find out if our scouts are available in your area, please complete the form below and we’ll get in contact with you.
Holidays | Dates |
Memorial Day | May 31st |
Flag Day | June 14th |
Independence Day | July 4th |
Labor Day | September 6th |
Veteran’s Day | November 11th |